Hi all,
I am a recent subscriber to FML and so far it has given me lots of good
ideas, chuckles and tears.
I am taking Sparky to the vet tomorrow - she is 10 months old, sable,
neutered and descented and so far very healthy and adorable.
We were trimming her nails on the weekend, which we do every 2 weeks, and
we poured some Ferratone on her belly to occupy her.  I noticed a swelling
at the base of her tail, slightly bigger than a pea, reddish and sort of
soft.  She is also having accidents (almost every day since the end of last
week).  Usually she is very good, she will even go into her house to use
the litter when she's been playing.  I think she is sleeping more than
usual too.
Any ideas?
Any help is appreciated!
Pat (and Sparky!!!)
[Posted in FML issue 2467]