I just wanted to update those of you who have contacted me about Moogie's
condition (he's the one that the doctor diagnosed with insulinoma last
Thursday).  We've been upping his glucose since then, and continuing with
the Nutrical, FerretVite and heavy whipping cream as hand-fed supplements,
and he's certainly doing better than he was.  He's still dreadfully thin,
but he certainly seems to be more relaxed and comfortable and he plays a
little bit now.  I guess he's probably gained two or three ounces back.
I've got him on Amoxicillin, too, that the doctor gave him, and I'm keeping
him seperated from the others, still.
I printed out all of the responses from people as well as the FAQ's about
insulinoma and presented them to the vet.  Together, we decided to 1) skip
the ultrasound, 2) delay surgery at this time, and 3) start him on
Prednisone immediately (I will go get that today).  Actually, she says that
there is prednisone in amoxicillin, which doesn't sound right to me since
they give it to kids, but, whatever, he's getting the real thing today.
We're going to skip the blood glucose test for the moment, too, since he so
obviously improves whenever his blood sugar level goes up.  Pandora, Tank,
and Flower are all doing well.  Tank continues to wheeze every now and
then, but I think it is hairball related since he grooms more than the
others do, and he's shedding right now.  Their personalities are becoming
clearer as I get to know them.  Tank is deaf and he's the hardest to get
cuddly with (he squirms and claws) but the nipping has almost stopped.
Flower is the most ferrety of the ferrets-- if there is ANYTHING that you
don't want her into, that guarantees that she will get into it right away.
She wardances off the couch every night, plop!  into the floor.  She and
Tank both specialize in 'hit and run' attacks.  Pandora is much more
independent, and though she plays with the others daily she also has to
have her daily solitary excursions, just exploring more than playing.
She's the only one who will lie still in your arms occasionally, and she's
the one who stops to thoughtfully chew on things she shouldn't.  It's very
funny to watch all three swirl around the feet and under the belly of my
100+ pound dog, who is intimidated by their wardancing and high-steps it
out-o'-there everytime they do it-- then he rolls his eyes and 'hides' on
my lap from them!  It's a good thing, too, or they'd get him!  Tank holds
onto stuff, too-- if you take something away from him, he won't open his
jaws to let go and you find yourself lifting him up along with whatever it
was he is hanging on to with his teeth!
Well, that's enough for now
Vickie, Moogie, Pandora, Tank, Flower, Ogre, Subatai, Freckles the new
hermit crab, and the fish who still doesn't have a name, and oh yeah Seth
and Tori the other hoomans
[Posted in FML issue 2448]