Hope you folks in Texas are keeping dry.Valentine,Jasmine,Taz and I put our
heads together and translated some more ferret latin.
Ferretus Roadrunnerus-those fuzzies that get in the room faster than you
can close the door.
Ferretus Sportcarus-closely related to Ferretus Roadrunnerus,it is those
ferrets that go from 0 - 60 in 3 seconds.This doesn't apply on tile floors.
Ferretus Burn Rubberus-the ferretus sportcarus trying to get going on a
tile floor.
Ferretus Tazmaniaus-those ferts that go through a clean room,and without
touching anything,leave a mess behind them.
Ferretus Dead Bugus-ferrets that suddenly stop what they're doing and lay
on the floor with all four feet in the air.
Ferretus Ptooeyus-the fine art of spitting out all over your human the food
or medicine your human just put in.
Ferretus Air Jordanus-those ferrets that take a flying leap and land in the
middle of the garbage can or the clean clothes basket.Nothing but clothes.
Sandy & fuzzy translators
[Posted in FML issue 2466]