How can they be such trouble but we still love them so much?!?  Today, as I
was getting ready to leave for play rehearsal, I let Dervish out to romp in
my room.  Little bugger that she is, she slipped out the door after
removing my blockade (my landlord won't let me nail any additions to the
door to close the gap) and slithered away.  I noticed that I hadn't heard
her in 15 seconds, so I started looking for her.  No Dervish anywhere in
the room.  I got frantic and went to look downstairs.  The formerly full
bottle of Ferretone was not only dragged off the special very-high shelf I
keep it on for safety, but also opened and spilled on the carpet!  (I hope
she didn't get too much!  It seemed like most was on the carpet, and so far
there's no change in poop consistency...god, it frightens me that I know
about ferret poop!!) I heard her in the couch.  She knows she's not allowed
in the couch, since I won't let her on it unless I'm there with her,
supervising so that she doesn't start burrowing in the cushions.
I tried for half an hour to get her out, to no avail.  My director called
and threatened my life if I didn't show up immediately.  I state my case,
he doesn't care.  I left a note on the door for my roommate to be careful
because "the weasel is loose", and I had to leave.  I knew my roommate
would be careful if she came home before me.
Rehearsal took forever and I had to drive someone home across town.  So I
finally came home and was relieved to see my roommate hadn't returned.
Dervish wasn't visible.  Thinking that she's hurt or stuck, I flipped out.
I started tearing apart the couch trying to see if she's asleep in there.
I went upstairs to get her jingle ball to lure her out, and what do I see?
The little stinker was happily asleep in my pajama drawer.
-(Texas) Meghan and Dervish (what's all the fuss about?  I'm just taking a
[Posted in FML issue 2466]