Yes,I call my guys boogers.Jasmine is doing very well and continues to mend.
Today I let her sneak out to check out the house for a few minutes.She did
her perimeter check and moved several toys to other hidey holes,then went
for breakfast.Both boys are being extra gentle with her and Taz didn't even
hop on top,which he usually does.Of course we've spent the cost of a used
car this year at the vets.Blown our vet budget for 3 years in one,but cars
don't give kisses and don't make you laugh,and they don't sit on your
shoulder and share secrets with you.  They don't make you feel special after
being part of the crowd on the way home,by being excited to see YOU.Yes,we
spent alot,but what are you willing to pay for unconditional love?
Sandy & 3 love ferrets
[Posted in FML issue 2465]