Hello everyone.
I'm having a "worried Mom" attack.  My babies all seem to be coming down
with some kind of upper respiratory cold.  I saw a post yesterday about a
ferret with a wheezy cough.  This sounds like the same thing, but my dog
also seems to be experiencing a dry hacking cough.  My Billy (ferret) has
been on antibiotics since Sat.  but it doesn't seem to be doing any good
and now Jesse is showing the same signs.  A wheezy cough that sounds a
little wet but breathing seems to be fine.  They are all eating well and
drinking plenty of fluid they just seem to have this cough that scares me.
It almost sounds like they have something stuck in their throats.  Can
anyone help me figure out what this is?  Thanks in advance for any
assistance figuring this one out.
Now, with that said I do have a funny story about Sable.  My adrenal
surgery kid.  She is doing really well by the way.  When I had her out
playing the other day she did something that made me laugh so hard I nearly
fell off the bed.  While we were playing "tickle my tummy, Mom" she reached
down and grabbed her hind end with her front paws, pulled herself up into a
ball and started rolling around on her back with her mouth wide open.  It
was the cutest thing I have ever seen her do.
Bob C- so glad to hear that you and the fuzzkids are OK.  Get well soon.
To all that have lost fuzzy loved ones my sincerest condolences.  I have
been lucky enough not to have experienced this as yet and know that the
FML is of great place of comfort.
Christine & the kids
Jesse (come on mom, scratch my head, ahhhh thats the spot)
Billy (Please no more of the awful stuff, yuk! powie!! I can't stand it.)
Sable (Hey Mom, look at my new trick.  Aren't I the cutest thing)
[Posted in FML issue 2434]