Dear FML,
We got the first part of the test results back.  The first tests they did
were to check for toxic heavy metals.  This test came out clean..  There
were no traces of toxic heavy metals.  The next tests they will do are to
check for toxic organic compounds.  We are also going to have them check
the vitamin/mineral balance in the food.
The Doctors testing the food and tissue samples are sure that it IS the
food that killed our fur-kids, but they still haven't found out exactly
what it was in the food that did it.  We cannot pursue this legally until
we know exactly what it was in the food that caused the deaths.
I will let you all know more as soon as I know more.  Please keep us in
your prayers.  We don't know how much longer we will be able to pay for the
lab tests.  It has cost over a thousand dollars already, and could cost
$3,000-$4,000 more.
Ferret Love & Dooks
Sunshine Ferretry & Shelter
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[Posted in FML issue 2433]