Alas, all good things must come to an end, and the same is true of my trip.
By the time you read this I'll either be in the air, or else I'll have
landed once more on New Zealand soil.
It's been wonderful to have met so many wonderful people, and ferrets!!  I
met a total of 770 ferret in the past four months, and have seen a lot of
different ways to care for them.  I've met albinos, chocolates, sables,
champagnes, silvers, mitts, pandas, blazes and dark-eyed whites.  I've met
biters (some have had a taste of New Zealander too!!) and sweethearts.
I've met sweethearts that were biters!!  LOL There has been a huge variety
in the ferrets, and people that have been kind enough to let me share some
of my trip with them
Thanks to everyone who I stayed with or met on this trip.  Big thanks to
those who came to the rescue in those times when my plans changed abruptly
and all of a sudden I was left wondering where I was!!  (This happened too
many times, and I was 'rescued' every time ;o) )
I have made a very bare-bones page of the photos I took of the trip.  A
warning: I put up virtually every photo, so some of them are just downright
terrible!!  Because I apparently have close to 6,000 emails to go over when
I get home, I probably won't be changing the page in a hurry ;o) For those
interested, I have put it at:
This includes pictures of ferrets, scenery, sunsets (I love sunsets!!)
people and a heap of other animals.  Not too many of people though <G>
Thanks again to everyone, including those who offered to help when I
needed it, and those who offered good wishes :o)
[Posted in FML issue 2433]