Went to the doc today, no big deal.  A compression facture of my right heel
that lines up nicely with my brake pedal, two broken and one cracked ribs,
and a moderate concusion where my head opened a new portal on the side
glass.  I lucked out because I didn't need to get my foot casted.  Well, I
do have to wear some plastic thingies inside my boot once the swelling is
down.  I did have a strange lump that turned out to be a piece of glass
under the scalp.
Then I went to the vets to have the lucky three checked out.  I insisted on
xrays of each one, and sure enough, each one had insides left.  BB has a
tiny scab where he was scratch by the food dish or something, but that was
the *only* problem.
My vet suggested I start flying places because this was the 3rd accident
I've been in during the last couple of years.  I did tell him that you
can't count the first two because I wasn't driving, and this one didn't
count because the other guy ran a stop sign.  Well, since "things come in
threes" as one alert well-wisher noted, I will be safe from here on out.
Personally, I think it was fate working behind the scenes so I might have a
couple more days to catch up on all the downloaded mail.  Thanks for all
the nice cards and letters, and a special thanks to the anonymous person
who sent a virtual 1984 Padres Brown Wool Ballcap!  I hate you, but it was
funny!  (They correctly understood there wasn't a special ballcap for the
series; it was the one I wore to the home games--not that there were very
many of them--so it had some sentimental value.  <sob>) Maybe it will be
good luck this season, and I'll get to wear a 1998 Padres Blue Wool Ballcap
with pride.
On a more serious note, the chicken pox are all gone, to the vast relief of
my buttocks.  I don't have to tell you how many strange looks I was getting
satisfying the itch while I was pumping gas.  At least when I try this trip
again, I won't be grabbing my butt so much in public.
Oh, here's a question I was asked today for which I have no answer.  No
experience, no answer.  And no reference.  In fact, I never heard of it
before.  Since the person who asked is on the FML, please post the answer
Q: "I live in the south and chiggers [redbugs] are a problem.  I just got a
bad case on my lower legs while walking my ferret on a leash.  [My ferret]
is now scratching, Can he have chiggers as well?"
I suppose he can, although although I doubt that he'll be happy about the
"scratch 'til you bleed then wash with bleach" cure I've heard so highly
recommended from time to time.  Being from CaCa Land, I never had to deal
much with chiggers (although I got a great case once when surveying down in
the Mohave.  I was wearing shorts, and they crawled a little bit north of
the knees.  DO NOT EVER spray chigger killer in your shorts while wearing
tight whites...); we have the Fishing Gestapo filling the same niche.
Sooooooo....if anyone has the answers, can you tell us what it might look
like (assuming people have had ferrets with the cases before) and how you
cured it.  Be funny for extra points.
Bob C and 22 Mo Mitey Monsters
[Posted in FML issue 2433]