Millie, I think I might have a solution to your ferret-soda problem.  My
husband drinks a lot of Nestea and since he hates to pour a glass everytime
he's thirsty he made his own "special straw." He took the top off of a 2
liter bottle and drilled two holes in it.  One to let the air out and one
to put the straw (really just plastic tubing like you use in aquariams)
through.  That way he can just drink straight out of the bottle without
having to worry about spilling.  Might keep your ferrets from tipping it
over or from smelling it since it's sealed in.  Although with soda you
might have a problem with the carbonation escaping through the air hole.
Unless you used a 1 liter bottle...
ICQ# 16159292
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[Posted in FML issue 2432]