Howdy Hey FML ;O)
Ferris sez his loving dookdook to all fuzzles, an is prayin fer all :o)
We just wanted to say . . .  Ta da one and only BHOR BOB . . .
We thank God ya are all okay!!  Sheesh ya had us worried there fer a sec,
who on earth could we count on ta bhor us all if we'd lost ya!!
Seriously, we are very glad you and the fuzzles suffered only minor and
healable injury, we are sorry for yer loss of yer car, camera, an G-3!
BUT we're happy ta see that yer sense of humor and yer ability ta see da
"silver-lining" is apparently intact.  We do hope yer headache lasts ONLY
as long as ya need to distract from dat itchin then!  <giggle> Really, we
are praying ya will be all good as new, or better even, in no time eh!
We'll also be sure to add a prayer for yer safe travels as ya start out
again now too, BUT PLEASE, this time you do the driving eh!
Ferris " Dookdook Whew! Tanks God huh mom, jus when we's gonna met him!"
and his mom
Deba Brezden
[Posted in FML issue 2432]