Hello, all.  Happy to say my kids are back to their old bouncy selves!  We
thought we would lose Ana friday night but she is eating on her own again
as of this morning. =)  My thoughts and prayers go out to all of you with
sick kids, and to those who have lost their little ones.
On ferretproofing - Ferrets can JUMP.  I didn't know that until the first
time we put a gate up to keep them in one room.  Dimi is 18" long from nose
to toes; the gate was 25" high.  He stood up on his hind legs, JUMPED,
caught the top of the gate with his front claws, and was loose.  Fortunately
I was home!  This was after two days of being in the room with no problem.
Took the ferts back to the vet (again) today for check-ups all 'round.
(They're fine, but I wish vets had frequent flier miles. *wink*  Actually
ours are great, we get free stuff all the time and they only charge $15 for
the exam fee even with four critters.) I saw Piotr, our blind 10-yr-old,
preparing to leap from the exam table about two seconds too late to stop
him.  He hit the floor and fell onto his side, then got up and started
exploring.  "Oh well," think I, "he's a ferret.  He's up and moving, no
limp, he's fine." *GASP* says the vet, "Oh my gosh, did he fall?  Let me
check him.  Did he hit his head?  Oh, jeez, I hope he's okay." Did I ever
feel like a rotten mother...But it turned out I was right.  <G> He was just
fine.  I caught him before he could jump again and put him on the
floor...heeheehee...He promptly found a corner and produced a sample -
"*That's* what I think about that cold thing up my butt!" <G>
-Sara and Da Zoo.
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[Posted in FML issue 2432]