I know of your stinky problem with the yesterdays news.  I tried it when I
first got my ferts because I read of all the dangers of kitty litter. Man,
it stunk to high heaven.
 I even called the 1800 number on a bag of kitty litter to ask about using
it with ferts and the lady said, matter of factly well it is only tested on
cats.  She made me feel like an idiot, and she probably thought I was.  But
anyhoo, I have discovered what works for me although some may disagree.
I decided to use corn cob litter.  I am not sure if you have access to
this, but I buy mine at wal-mart.  The corncobs by themselves lead to a
very horrible stench once the ferrets pee on it.  So I add just a bit of
kitty litter and mix it together in the litter pan.  I never use the
clumping litter because of the fear that it will get stuck in some
unmentionable place( I have read horror stories, of it getting stuck in a
ferts posterior and up their nose.)And I make sure to by the low dust kind.
This way my babies are not exposed to a full pan of kitty litter.  I do
have to clean the pans once a day to keep down the smell, but it is nowhere
near as bad as the yesterday's news or the corncob by itself.  This is the
only solution I have found due to the fact that i live in Alabama and it is
hard to find good materials to use.  I have heard of some people using
something like woodstove chips.  I am not even sure if this is what it is
called, but that is close.
well, i just thought I would share
Melissa Yoda Jawa Meeko and Bossk
[Posted in FML issue 2431]