I took her back to the vet for another CBC and blood glucose.  It took them
over 45 min to get her blood.  They finally cut the nail to the quick.  I
noticed how raspy and wheezing she sounded while under the antisetic.  I
mention that I had noticed that it seemed like she was breathing a little
faster than normal at times.  They did a chest x-ray while she was under.
They had to run it some where else to get it developed, so I will not know
the results of the x-ray or CBC until tomorrow.  The blood sugar was fine.
The vet listened to her after she got the blood and said the Hope has
pneumonia.  She is not on amoxi twice daily.  I sure hate to leave my
babies on Thur.
My nephew is getting married and I am going to go to Florida.  Now I wish I
had only booked the flight for one week instead of two.  Both Hope and Faith
will be in good hands though.  Amy, one of my vets assistance is going to
take care of them while I am gone.  Tom is going to take care of the other
2, Charrity and Generosity.
Please keep Hope in your prayers.  They have figured out exactly what they
low white blood cell count is.
Phyllis and the four Wigglies, Faith, Hope, Charrity and Generosity
[Posted in FML issue 2419]