Hello One and All,
First and foremost I would love to thank everyone who sent me answers to the
questions I had, everyone is so helpful and kind here and I LOVE it!!!!!!!
Secondly I would like to announce the arrival of two new additions to our
family... Hobbes Fizzygig and T.B Naughtykins << The Bear >> .  The two
arrived home safely on the 20th of last month and in no time have found
their way into our hearts << as well as to everything else we have!!!..>>
Lastly, we are in the Springfield, Missouri area, does anyone know of a
reliable vet that deals with ferrets?????
Thank You SoOoOoo Much!!
Sandy << formaly Whimsical>>
Hobbes Fizzygig << I am soOoOoO glad to be home, can I have another ice
cube Mom??  >>
T.B Naughtykins << My head fits better in Mom's glass then your does!!! >>
[Posted in FML issue 2419]