Hi all!
I went to a zoodealer today and asked for ferret food.  Since it is almost
impossible to get ferret food here in Norway, the dealer said that the
closest thing to ferret food i could get was Hill's Feline Growth.  I know
that Hill's usually are high quality food, but i am not sure if this is the
right food for my ferret.  The Zoodealer gave me a sample.  I gave some to
my ferret, and he is eating it when i am writing this letter.  I usually
give him Iams Kitten Food.
Have anyone tried this food, or know something about it.
It contains:
Protein     34.3 %
Fat         24.1 %
Fiber        1.1 %
Ash          5.4 %
Moisture     7.5 %
Calsium      1.2 %
Fosfor        .89 %
Natrium       .32 %
Magnesium     .08 %
Vitamine A  20.000 (IU/kg)
Vitamine D   1.180 (IU/kg)
Vitamine E 130    (mg/kg)
Taurin       2.000   (mg/kg)
Greetings to all Ferretpeople !!!
[Posted in FML issue 2430]