Other than the usual child and hopefully ferret proof locks on
cabinets,there were a few unique things I had to make ferret safe.Next to
the wall,under the cabinets there were spaces large enough for a ferret to
get in.Thank you Chelsea for finding those(my first ferret)We sealed those
off,so future adventures wouldn't include hiding in there.So look at the
bottom of your cabinets, under the edge, from a ferrets view point.
If the cabinet under the sink isn't closed to your fuzzies,check around the
pipes to make sure there isn't an opening big enough for your exploring
baby to get in.We also had to seal the bottom of the dishwasher to keep
them out.If a repairman ever comes to fix that,he'll have a heck of a time
getting to it.Speaking of appliances,sometimes behind your stove,especially
gas,there is a spot where the wall doesn't meet the floor.Horrifying,when
you think what could happen.One good way to check them all is to see the
room with no appliances in place,sometimes this means pulling them out.It
will let you know if ferret proofing is enough or you need a total
blockade.Moving into a new house can be revealing.Of course this was 10
years ago.There are many other things we had to do,but these were the
biggest.(pardon me big)
And by the way,chances of catching rabies may be remote,but try telling
that to animal control.
       Sandy & 3 Ferret explorers
[Posted in FML issue 2429]