Join Club Ferret Las Vegas on Saturday, September 12 at 5pm for a night of
fun, food, and prizes.
This is a wonderful opportunity to meet fellow ferret owners and CFLV
members.This will also be a great time to meet the candidates for the Board
of Directors, or if you are running for a chair position, to introduce
yourself to your fellow members.  Admission is free for CFLV club members.
If you are not yet a member, admission is $5 unless you join CFLV before,
or upon entrance to, the BBQ.
For every $5 donation you make to Club Ferret Las Vegas at the BBQ, you
will receive a raffle ticket for a chance to win great prizes including
CFLV T-shirts, Ferretude T-shirts, Ferretvite, hammocks, sleep sacks, and
MUCH more!  We will also have grab bag prizes, a Chinese auction, and other
chances for you to win great items for both you and your ferret.
The meal will be a pot luck, so please bring an appetizer, dessert,
side dish, or beverage .  BBQ meat will be provided by CFLV.
For more information, further directions, or to R.S.V.P., please call
Samantha at 631-5516 or leave a message on the club voicemail at 661-9533.
Due to location of this event, we ask that you do not bring your ferrets to
the BBQ.  Directions to BBQ: From US 95, exit Rancho and go South.  Turn
left on Redondo.  Turn left on Rancho Vista.  Street will curve to the
right and turn into Frontier.  2108 Frontier Ave.  The house is on the left
side of the street.
We look forward to seeing you there!!!
[Posted in FML issue 2428]