Well I just wanted to post an update on my family and ask a few questions.
Both of my girls are perfectly healthy right now.
I think that after 3 years Minerva has finally come around.  Up until this
point one of the few ways that we could interact with Minerva was by
playing tag.  She didn't like being touched or cuddled.  NOT ANYMORE...
Minerva actually showers us with kisses every day when we take her out.
She comes back when she's out playing just to get a scratch on the head or
a nice long stroke and then she's off playing again.  She has started
playing the fall flat in front of you when you're walking, chuckle (that's
what it sounds like), then roll over to get her tummy tickled game.  Her
wardance seems to take her even higher off the ground.  She gets jealous if
we give Frumpstiggle love so she comes over crawls on top of Frumpy with a
paw in her face and a paw on your hand.
Frumpstiggle has got to be the world's perfect ferret.  She has brought
Minerva right out of her shell since we got her.  And she knows how to
lighten the mood when things are tense.  Chad will be walking off grumbling
about one thing or another and Frumpy will run up and latch onto his pant
leg, kinda liike hugging a tree.  He'll say that's nice but I'm not happy
and jiggle his leg.  She will hold on and play this game until it calms him
down.  I could go on and n about her but I'll save it for another time.
I'm thinking about making a new cage for a Christmas present.  I have
lots of ideas.  One that I'd like to try is sinking a litter box into the
floor.  One I could lift out for easy cleaning.  Has anyone tried this with
theirs?  If I can't do it with the litter box then maybe they can have
their own pool - water in the summertime, shredded paper in the winter.
I'm searching for ferret clip art and ferret photos.  I'd like to make a
flyer for the Pet City in my area with this mailing list and a few other
basics to hand out with each new ferret.  I'd like to put a ferret clip art
on it but I don't have any.  And I have a contest going right now with one
of the info services guys on who can have a theme desktop longer.  Each
week you change the picture.  I'm running out of pictures.  If anyone could
mail me some jpegs of their ferrets I'd appreciate it.  Thanks!
Beth, Minerva & Frumpstiggle the marsh wiggle
in Denver, Colorado
[Posted in FML issue 2428]