Couldn't help but add my own two cents.
Bob Church posted this daffynition:
ROLL PLAYING: When one ferret is latched on another ferret's neck, and
spins like an alligator.
We got our first glimpse of this when Baby Whatchie (mom's fert) visited.
We called it the death roll, it was Fidget's best defence.  Doesn't work so
well now that Baby Whatchie is fast approaching Fidget' size (and I'm sure
will over take him.  At a fun frollic, other folks asked me two questions
about Fidget 1) is it a girl?  when I said no they asked 2) is he a baby
then?  last vet trip he topped the scale at a mightly 2.2 lbs.  :-)
chris and the boys in WV
[Posted in FML issue 2428]