I am new and already I feel I need to make a statement.  I've read for three
days and have definitely noticed that there must have been some hostility
due to disagreements of opinion.  I was very excited to get on FML, but was
disappointed as well that our shared obsession and mutual love for fuzzies
could turn ugly.  It is very sad that there should be name calling and
anger, but it is not altogether surprising given the numbers involved.  I
wholeheartedly agree with ignoring that which is in poor taste and going
on, so keep up the positive ions SUKIE and BOB C, your are obviously very
wise in the world of Ferret Gurus.  '-' !!
Next is that I am new enough to the ferret world, only 3 years that I have
never lost a ferret to disease or illness, although I have recently had
some worrisome moments, my concern is compounded by fear that my VET has
very little experience, so sadly I am jumping ship to what I hope is a more
experienced VET.  I do this with difficulty because he has treated my many
cats very well.  Well recently we experienced illness in all of our ferrets
when I brought home a new kit, and now I am feeling quilty about my
purchase from a large chain (petco).  Obviously Alfred passed it on the the
other 3 twits and the tasha and toby both lost at least a 1/2 lb each.
I read yesterday about a symptom referred to bird seed poop, which is
exactly what the poops looked like when they weren't runny.  They all
bravely put up with antibiotics, soupy mixtures, dropper feedings, extra
ferretvite and lactobacilus to replace good bacteria.  My last vet was
uncommunicative and as I was insistent that he answer questions he couldn't
so I changed vets to someone who would deal with a psycho worrier ferret
mom like me.Anyway they all gained there weight back, are acting healthy
and playful, but my two boys continue with loose stools and occasionally
seeding in their poop, the girls seem fine, but I continue with a mixture
of seameal (a recommendation, lactbi., warm water and ferretvite.  I have
never really done anything with the pepto, but since the poops aren't runny
I haven't used it.
Is it just nutrition and care that will eventually bring it back to normal
or should I worry more.  Alred keeps insisting on cat food, which I redirect
him from as much as possible.  My vet thinks that since he is active and
healthy looking that it is likely related to his various different food
intakes.  An opinion or two would be nice.
I am also curious to know is this birdseed poop thing is a common symptom to
many illness' or just ECE, whatever that stands for I am not sure yet but I
will find out tonight.  I have only ever had one instance of vomiting and
very little slime, with occasional green coloring.
I have never given Alfred antibiotics because he never really got sick, yet
he has had loose stools ever since I bought him last month.  He is 3 months,
I bought him at 8 weeks.  (We dont have any shelters specifically for
ferrets in this area the closest one is in Seattle and we are 2 1/2 hrs and
a ferry ride from there.)
By the way I noticed a message from Megan who indicated she was moving from
Oregon to Washington, is it WA state?  I live in Sequim, WA close to Port
Angeles.  So I would be curious if anyone on the FML is near me.
Finally my 2 pennies on tails...
All of my babies do what Chris and I refer to as tail thwapping and despite
the common occurance it is still always cool.  This is usually accompanied
by shooting the tube a few times and then laying in wait for an unsuspecting
fert or cat, then you couch, obtain good butt altitude and thwappity
thwappity thwap against the tunnel.  Then you spring on to a back and try to
hang on.  Then maybe for fun just to be cute Tasha will complete the act
with a marathon scooching round and round and round with her soft scoochy
ball.  Who needs TV.  Cat wrestling is a whole 'nother story of which I can
tell another time.
Chow all fellow ferters.
Tasha (scoochy girl)
Toby (king cat wrestler)
Daxter (queen of the dance)
Alfred (Turkey fiend)
[Posted in FML issue 2427]