Hi Ya Furrit's And Folks ;o)
Ferris sends his dooks and hugs ta all da fuzzels, specially doze ill, and
ta all da furtfolk, specially doze healing from loss jus now.
Well, today we felt we'd like ta add our bit to a couple of issues, so we've
donned all our "fireproof" gear an we's enterin inta da fire .  .  .
First, as concerns the recent deplorable and disappointing occurence of the
malignment and belittlement of Dr. Kemmerer in response to sharing her
opinion re:vaccination protocol issue.  As we've already indicated to her
within a private email in immediate response to her post about this, we are
deeply sorry that she has had to endure such ignorant and hurtful treatment,
and we think it is an incredible SHAME that this occured!  We here are
overwhelmingly grateful to her for taking the time, and having the heart,
to share her vast fert knowledge and considerable experience with us
through this forum!  We wish to encourage her now to disregard an obviously
"ill informed", "childish", and "highly objectionable" display of ignorance
from those who apparently lack appreciation for your most kind and generous
"FREE" assistance and support given fertfolk on this mailing list.  And we
also wish to take this chance, to publicly express our appreciation here,
which indeed, we should do more often and before or without any such
unfortunate provocation actually, but never the less do gratefully offer
you now, a THANK YOU!!!  Very much!!  We do appreciate your sharing
yourself with us here on the FML, even if we don't always agree with what
you may say, we're glad to hear ya say it, and we just dread the thought
that we should ever be denied your input because some other unpleasant
individual so abused and offended you, we truly do pray that you shall be
spared any further such occurences, and will be able regards that which has
already occured, to simply ignore it altogether!  And as well, we'd like to
also take opportunity to further express our equal appreciation to the
other wonderful individuals of the Veterinary Profession, Veterinary
Students, and "other" professional fields, who do also share their time and
knowledge here on the FML to benefit fertfolks and their furkids.  THANK
YOU ALL, words are inadequate to express what our hearts feel for you all
in appreciation!
And to all those who feel inclined to lash out at others to cause them
harm, it's our prayer that you shall come to a realization of your error in
so doing and refrain in future from such atroscious behavior and thus
become decent human beings.  Life is far more pleasant for those who are
pleasant, and spending life in unpleasantness is an utter waste of it!
And we just have to say here . . .
>From:    Judy Moon <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Vaccination discussion
>I will say I don't live on Mars and distemper whether canine or feline or
>ferret is as common here in Washington as anyplace.  I don't vaccinate my
>dogs, cats or the ferrets I keep for myself once they are past 1 year of
>age.  I have NEVER lost a ferret to any disease!  I have never lost a cat
>to distemper!
>Just so someone doesn't try to say we haven't had any experience with
>animals I would like to state that I have raised top quality prize winning
>Borzois, Saanen goats, cattle, horses, swine, and various fowl.  All got
>the same thing - super preventative care and no vaccinations after 1 year
>of age.  And they all went to fairs and shows and were exposed to
>everything under the sun.
Firstly, we of course, hope and pray, that you never shall either!  BUT by
yer statement of exposing yer critters to everything under the sun, fully
knowing that they are "unprotected" against in fact just that, "every thing
under the sun", well it sounds to us as if ya have most certainly been a
very fortunate soul!  We sure do hope yer luck holds out and that the "law
of averages thing" don't ever finally catch up on ya!
So there ya have it, our little contribution.
Ferris "If'n we's libbed byes Dr. Kemmerer shes bin my's vet 2 huh mom!"
and his mom
Deba Brezden   Flames Graciously Accepted and Appropriately Ignored ;o)
[Posted in FML issue 2427]