Grover is (last I heard) doing much better, active and interactive, and
pooping more normally.  He's back out of seclusion, caging with Onyx again.
The CFN folks think he might have had a bit of a cold or something rather
than a bowel obstruction; I'm so grateful to them for their tremendously
good care of him (and Onyx too.) Their continuing story can be found on my
I'm still up in Washington tromping around looking for a job/place to live.
Might have found a place to work, at least part time.  A place to live is
a bit more problematic, but I'm working on it.  I am going home to Oregon
tomorrow and can't wait to go visit my fuzzies again!  (Not to mention my
cat, Cinnebar, who I miss rather a lot!) Plus, I am really looking forward
to the Fun Match this weekend and meeting some of you.
My heartfelt thanks go out to everyone who has emailed me with support and
good wishes.  And my thoughts and my own good wishes go out to everyone who
has lost a dear fuzzy or is worried about losing one.  I've tried to mail
some of you, but with all my tromping about (I logged several hundred miles
today in my car) I can't keep up, email wise...but my thoughts and
blessings go out to you all!
- Megan
Megan O'Shaughnessy DC ( [log in to unmask] )
[Posted in FML issue 2426]