Hey everybody,
I have an idea that should help thousands of ferrets to live safer lives
and be a great help to their caregivers.  We all know that there are
literally thousands of dangers lurking in life for ferrets.  What we do not
know are all the ones we have not encountered or been advised about.  I am
proposing that we all get together and on one day, which we will say is
this Friday, September 11th, and post on the FML every potential danger
known to ferrets by each and everyone who is reading this today.  I know I
have much to learn but I do not want to have my ferrets learn it the hard
way just because of my ignorance.  Won't you all get your lists together
and post them tomorrow or Friday?  Then we should all print out each others
lists and compile our own list from everyone else's together!  Sound good?
You do not need to respond to me unless you want to forward your lists to
me and that would certainly be fine too.I would forward them on to those I
know on the net and so could you.  But the thing I hope you all do is
like I am planning to do and that is to post my ferret-proofing list.  No
fan-fare.  No special parades, just good sharing of dangers to ferrets that
will help someone else's little fuzzball live a safer and less dangerous
and happy life.  Thank you all in advance if you will participate.  Please
do.  My ferrets need your help and so do other ferrets.  God bless you for
sharing.  There may have been a good list posted before , but if so I
missed it.  Jan
[Posted in FML issue 2426]