Hi folks-- Ewok here!!
The event is nearing-- Ferret Wise Re-Union Picnic is scheduled for
Saturday-- September 5th in Marlnborough, NH at the pavilion of the
Marlborough recreational field.
Our activities will begin at 11 AM with sign in -- the Ferret 'Mock Walk"
for Ferret Wise Shelter at 11:30 AM!
Noon- is lunch-- a wonderful pot-luck picnic ( bring a dish to share) and
hot dogs on the grill with cold beverage supplied by shelter hosts Alicia &
Games , contests (including best ferret tattoo worn by human - by popular
vote) best ferret costumes, largest hob/gib, blackest nose, pinklest nose,
longest tail etc! Auction pieces include a 3 tier cage with food bowl water
bottle & hammock, a Kitty Cat Funhouse, additional ferret cages, and
numerous smaller items!
Old fashioned pop corn and cotton candy!  Shelter vendors will be there
under canopy with a wonderful display of items for ferrets and their
friends.  Support the following ferret shelters by attending: FACT, Ferret
Svcs of Freedom & Ferret Wise.  For admissioin information and directions--
please email [log in to unmask] or call the shelter at (603) 876-4975.
Hope to see you there!!!
"Ewok" and "Bear".
 the old grumpies at Ferret Wise!
[Posted in FML issue 2419]