Hello everyone, and I hope everybody had a great labor day weekend.
Now to the found Fuzzie.  I received a call from a woman in NE Albuquerque
yesterday and picked up a Ferret that was found wandering in her yard.  If
you have lost a Ferret in the Wyoming and Indian School Rd. area please
contact me.  I am not mentioning gender or giving a description on purpose
as you will need to identify the Ferret.  I will notify animal services
tomorrow, as well as place an ad in the Albuq.  Journal under lost and
found.  If he is not claimed within two weeks he will be put up for
Mini Tafoya
Ferrets "R" Fun Shelter and Rescue
505-898-5961 try reaching me between 8am-noon, as I work afternoon evenings.
Or you can email me.
Also selling Totally Ferret now in the Albuquerque area.  In Santa Fe please
contact Paula at 505-473-0153.  Just $17.99 if you pick up for 5#'s and
$38.99 for 15#'s.
[Posted in FML issue 2426]