Hello Fellow FMLer's!
You have probably noticed that I have not posted anything in the FML for a
long time now.  I have had such a busy schedule of late that it was only
possible to skim the posts and reply personally to only a handful.
First, my heart goes out to all those that have lost their babies in the
last few months and those that are presently sick, and to those who give
terminal care.  You do more than you know and your extra efforts are not
going unnoticed.
I wanted to update you all on Tinder's present condition.  As you may have
recalled, Tinder was diagnosed with kidney failure way back in April and
was given only 1-6 weeks left to live.  Well, as you can see, it has been
about 5 months (or 21 weeks) and Tinder is still with us.  She still gets
her Lasix Oral Solution (Furosemide 10 mg/ml - as marked on the bottle) at
0.4 ml twice daily.  She hates it but I squirt it in very quickly and
follow it up with linatone.  She still gets her chicken baby food-fresh
banana-boost mix twice a day as well and still manages to poop and pee up a
real storm.  I can see that she has a hard time getting around as her
"hospital room" is our newly tiled floor bedroom.  The other day I had her
outside on the grass and the energy she showed was amazing.  The poor dear
tired herself out with all her exploring in the plants.  She slept a very
long time that day but I know she was having pleasant dreams of running
through fields of flowers..... perhaps running and dooking with other
ferrets, blowing heads off of dandelions and nipping mom at her heels.....
Her fluid build-up has now reached into her back legs and higher up into
her neck.  She is still so wanting of getting herself around that I know
the time is not now to let her go.  She comes over to me at the computer
and she rests her little head on my feet letting me know she wants to be
held and so I lift her up and cradle her as I type this post.
I want to take this opportunity to thank Sukie publicly for all her help.
I haven't been posting to the FML because Tinder's situation was placing me
in the middle - between my vet's advice not to let her endure under her
present condition, and my own feelings of wanting her around a little bit
longer.  It was Sukie who finally put things into perspective for me and to
her I am eternally grateful.  I hope that because of this public message
that she is not inundated with pleas for advise.  But, without knowing
where I could turn, she seemed like the best choice and I was not wrong.
So thank you Sukie for taking the time out of your busy schedule and giving
me the peace of mind I really needed.
Since I have the time today to write a little something more I just wanted
to say something about civility.  I initially subscribed to the FML because
of the free exchange of ideas from others who love their dear little
fuzzies.  I have found that information posted here is merely the opinions
of others and must always be taken with a grain of common sense.  Your vet
is the only individual who should dole out medical advice.  That's not to
say you can't offer him some alternative *suggestions* from this newsgroup
of which he will do his own research.  If you personally don't agree with
something someone has written, then you certainly don't have to follow
their advice.  But I have found that in the limited amount of time that I
have to read the postings that the last thing I want to read is why the
critic has to tell us all why he/she doesn't agree with the posting.  How
can freedom of speech continue in an atmosphere of hostility?  It would
seem to be a stifling situation indeed.  I know you're thinking that I am
stifling freedom of speech if I wouldn't allow the criticisms to come out.
Well, true critisicm is constructive criticism.  If you can't find a decent
way to say something, then don't say it at all.  In some of the postings
there has been some debate on the methods and actions of a certain
individual and the way he tends to his flock.  To this I say, how can you
criticize when all you have to go on is the words in this posting.  Have
you attended this individuals' home and have you seen his methods in
action?  How can you honestly give an opinion when not all the facts are at
hand?  The wonderful thing about living in this country of ours is that
there are plenty of options in finding out "all the facts".  I would first
suggest reading the posts with a little more of an open mind.  Ask
questions; and then ask a lot more questions.  Ask others if they know of
first hand knowledge of the individual involved.  And when you have finally
gathered all of the facts, give your opinion knowing full well that you
have done all you can do in order to get the information correct.  State
the problem and why it is a problem, and then enlighten us all with the
wonderful solutions that you have researched.
I am growing tired of people throwing insults at other members of the FML in
regards to the information written.  My time is more precious than wasting
it on arguments.  I am also saddened to see some members have left the FML
because of direct criticisms placed upon them by certain individuals in
this group.  It is their foresight and knowledge that the rest of us will
lose out on...
So please people, lets keep it civil.
Thanks in advance to Bill Gruber who I hope will let me post this!
Betty and her Blur O'Fur
[Posted in FML issue 2425]