Hi everyone!  Have a few thoughts/questions for everyone.  I received a
call about a found ferret in my area.  I offered to help put up posters in
the area.  As I was putting up posters, I was also looking for any posters
that might tell me who lost the ferret.  As I saw various posters/signs up,
I began to wonder, what catches your eye when walking/driving by?  Many
posters were in such tiny letters that I had no hope of reading them unless
I parked my car and walked right up to them.  Some of them had curled up,
the lettering was being hidden.
I have formatted my posters in the following way.  The first to lines say
in big letters "LOST FERRET" or "FOUND FERRET".  My phone number and name
are on the next line is slightly smaller letters.  The next line says
"Ferrets Anonymous Lost/Found" so that Californians hopefully don't get
scared to call me.  I've then added a ferret graphic at the bottom of the
poster for those who don't know what a ferret looks like.
Next thing that comes to mind is, how do I attached the poster to various
poles in the area?  I've received literature with my utilities bill that
warns people not to use nails and staples on poles because these can harm
the workers as they climb the poles.  I've tried strapping tape in the
paste, but the combination of heat and humidity made them fall off quickly.
So this time I used good ole duct tape.  I realized the duct tape also
contrasts in color with the brown poles, and should draw eyes to them.
My posters are black print on white paper. I've seen colored paper posters,
but I don't think it is any easier to read them.  I try to make my posters
viewable by a fast moving car.  Hopefully someone will at least see the
word "ferret" and decide to drive by again.
In the ferret FAQ is a wonderful section on where to place posters.  I'd
suggest everyone read it before they lose their ferret.
So any suggestions on the best poster design to draw attention?
Chris K.
Ferrets Anonymous Lost/Found Registry Coordinator
[Posted in FML issue 2425]