Well, I finally bought a copy of "Chicken Soup for the Pet Lover's Soul"
(by Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Marty Becker D.V.M. and Carol
Kline) the other day and I have to tell you... This is a great book! :)  I
never thought so many tears could come to my eyes after *each* and *every*
story in there... Only problem?  I'm halfway thru it and haven't seen any
ferret stories yet... But..  Good news..  they will be coming out with a
second book (A 2nd helping of Chicken Soup for the Pet Lover's Soul) and
they're looking for stories you have written or something you've read and
liked... You can send them to:
Chicken Soup for the Pet Lover's Soul
P.O. Box 30880
Santa Barbara, CA  93130
or check out their web site at: www.chickensoup.com
Just thought that if we can send enough stories about ferrets and how great
they are, maybe it will help us with the negative publicity they've been
getting (CA politicians, watch out!)  :)
So everyone, get to your pens and papers and send them out! :)
Michelle, Trouble & Balloo
[Posted in FML issue 2424]