Hello all, Makai won his first ribbon in a santioned show!  Makai took a
2nd place in Ring 1 of the Alter Class.  Our club, the Tristate Ferret
Connection put on our 2nd show on Saturday Sep. 5th in Cincinnati, and we
were thinking of just entering Makai in the Specialty Class.  We were
talked into moving him up to the Championship Level, thanks Rachel.  Well,
we did and he took home a very nice Red Ribbon!
On a different note; I'd like to thank all who came, some from quite far
away, to make this show what appears to be another success.  It's only our
2nd time putting on a show like this and a lot of work, especially for a
few people; but it seems as though it went well and a lot of folks seemed
to have a good time despite the host hotel's Air Conditioning system
apparently not quite up to the task.  :(
I think Max (the Chomp) is proud of his big brother and they both seem
curious about the new cage we bought so they could bunk together.  Now if
Dad can figure out how to rearrange the computer equipment to allow the 36"
wide cage to fit into a 33" wide space, all would be great.
-- Tim, Tammie, Makai (now 2nd place Champ), Max (the Chomp, who may get to
be in a show when he learns not to be so nippy) and Haily (the cat, who also
is wondering about the new cage)
[Posted in FML issue 2424]