Just wondering if anyone has seen something similar to this.  My albino
Claudette Poufay has orange flecky spots on her skin.  They are roundish,
but not always, and made up of tiny orange dots, but involve no hair loss.
The main spot she has them is her flanks, but, in various sizes, they pop
up in the most unusual places.  They run from tiny up to about an inch in
diameter and come an go.  The vet said to bathe her, which we've done a
couple times, scrubbing the spots as instructed, and I've put some ointment
on the areas.
She also has major blackheads on her tail, which we're working on; I'm
talking crusty (last spring her tail turned bright orange, which bathing
twice took care of!).
I've heard about blackheads on fuzzies' tails for years, but these crusty
yellow places?  I mean, like one tiny one showed up around a nipple of all
places, and the nipple is a tad enlarged, but it always has been a bit
problematic.  The orange patches don't seem to itch and she is her old
plump self otherwise, full of p&v and, even with the mysterious loss of
her fang, happy to let my toe know who's boss.
Lynn and six furlets, watched over by the greatest of all
        Fert-Spirit star pushers
[Posted in FML issue 2423]