Ferret lost in Pawtuckaway State Park Campground, Nottingham New Hampshire
On Friday (9/4/98) at 4:30am, we discovered that Emily had some how escaped
from our tent.  We looked high and low for her.  There was one Emily
sighting on Friday afternoon at about 4pm.
Emily is about 12 inches long, from the tip of her noise to the tip of her
tail.  She weights aprox. 1.5 lbs, she is a sable, the hair on her tummy
has just started to grow back in, she had surgery July 20th to remove 2
tumors from her pancreas.  She is on Diazoxide 0.5 mls twice daily.
WE noticed a lot of the folks in the campground had Massachussetts plates
on the auto's.
Please if anyone heres of a ferret being found please contact me.  I can be
paged at (603) 596-7145, it is a numeric pager, you will here a couple of
beeps then just key in your phone number.
M. Masse & Family
The Ferret Brigade
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[Posted in FML issue 2423]