Well I got fooled again the other night, this time it was not even mine.  I
was looking at the two kits at a pet store, very cute little guys, looked a
bit young but I can't really tell.  Well one of them was alternately chewing
and dragging the other one around, by it's ear.
It was amazing the one who was sleeping did not move until it had been
dragged 6 or 8 inches with plenty of chewing going on in between.  I was
right on the edge of panic about a dead ferret in the cage when it gave a
big yawn and launched a counterattack.  Fooled again.
SO and I had diner last week at another ferret household, after everyone
was sure that all the animals were OK physically we arranged a playdate for
them.  They have 2 males and My male and female, she looked so tiny compared
to the rest of them.Onece we had them all out together i prepared for the
worst, dreading the abuse I was sure my hand would take by interupting a
fight, well I was wrong, no one even raised their fur everyone just sniffed
eachother in a group ferret orgy and went about to eplore the new place.  I
could not believe it.
All in all an excellent evening, good food, good company and no bloodshed.
Thanks Steve, Tammy Herschel, and Tiki.
[Posted in FML issue 2418]