Troy Lynn wrote:
>Over vaccinating can cause health problems too.  The new vaccination
>protocol for dogs and cats is every other or every 3rd year after the
>initial series and first annual booster.  Shouldn't this apply to ferrets
>too?  Any comments from the vets on this matter?
Information on the new guidelines from the Amer Assoc of Feline
Practitioners can be seen at:
I would also be interested to hear how this could relate to ferrets. Here
is an excerpt from the website:
 The American Association of Feline Practitioners (AAFP), in association
 with the Academy of Feline Medicine (AFM), adopted new guidelines for
 the use of feline vaccines...
 The guidelines recommend initial vaccination, a booster one year later,
 then a three-year booster cycle for certain "core" vaccines, including
 those for feline panleukopenia (FP), feline calicivirus (FCV) and
 feline viral rhinotracheitis (FVR).  This represents a significant
 reduction from the previous annual vaccination guidelines.
 The committee notes that rabies vaccinations must still be given in
 accordance with local ordinances, which vary widely.  In light of the
 apparent link between rabies vaccinations and vaccine-associated
 fibrosarcomas, the experts recommend that government authorities
 onsider recent studies that prove the three-year efficacy of today's
 rabies vaccines...
Ronnie DiComo in Mass.
Ralphie, Harry, Prince Charming, Merlin, Roxanne, Petunia, Epcot, Clover
and Simon's mom
[Posted in FML issue 2422]