I have posted a few times recently about my female Charmaine.  She is the
ferret who gained .2lbs in 2 weeks and has started attacking the other
ferrets if they try to eat.  She went to our vet who believesit is just
behavioral he has admitted he doesn't qualify as an expert in ferrets
Today she was playing around the house while my husband laid on the floor
with our 4 month baby (human baby).  My husband, Skot,got up to answer the
phone, that took like 2 steps.  Charmaine ran up to the baby and grabbed
her arm and bit hard enough to draw a small amount of blood.  My husband
was within reaching distance so he grabbed Charmaine and put her in her
seperate cage.  The vet recommended seperating her for the majority of the
day so we could monitor feeding since she will eat till she can't consume
She has started nipping at me as well if I try to pick her up out of the
cage.  She is 2 years old and we just got her and another female (they were
raised together) in June.  She was really good with people up to about mid
Aug.  Just like over night she decided to rule humans and start biting.
She is not attacking but does mean to bite deliberately.
I love her, but if she continues to make deliberate attempts at biting my
child I think she would be elsewhere.  It isn't fair to keep her locked up
while the others play.  I do not want to get rid of her.  I want to fix the
problem but I'm not sure how to go about disciplining her for this behavior.
Hopefully somebody can help.  Does anybody know if it could be medical, is
there any condition that would cause her to get so crabby and have a total
behavioral change?  I'm willing to go to other vets if need be.  I just
want my cuddly Charmaine who liked to cuddle on my lap back to her normal
[Posted in FML issue 2422]