Hi everyone, I just have a question about crying ferrets.  My little fuzzie,
Sydnie, shakes her cage, jumps up and down and screams quite loudly when I
get home from work as soon as she hears my voice.  I walk in the door and
greet Toby (dog) and shout out "Hi Sydnie" and she starts to scream and
won't stop until I rush over and pick her up out of her cage.  She then
proceeds to cover my face in ferret kisses.  She does this in the morning
when I wake up and she hears me.  I usually rush to her because it almost
sounds like she is stuck and in real pain (she's not though).  Is this
because I bottle fed her for a few days and she thinks I'm mommy fert, am I
spoiling her or is this just a phase for a baby girl?  Thanks for any input.
Warm regards,
Carrie, Sydnie & Toby
P.S.  Sydnie is eating and putting on weight.  She's very active and very
adorable.  Thanks again to those who e-mailed with good advice and kind
[Posted in FML issue 2421]