Hi Everyone,
I just wanted to tell you that our move went smoothly, well OK, as smoothly
as it could go.  Anyway, the fuzzies are staying in our bedroom.  Mostly
because the rest of the condo is a disaster.  They seem to like to join us
in the shower now.  We have a shower stall in the master bath and they can
hop in easily, and do.  We finally got back online.  You can imagine what
it's like not to get the FML for 5 days.  If you get a chance to check out
the postcards site http://ferrets.net/aprille/postcards you can see a pic of
Sequoia & Loki that Aprille was so kind to put on her page.  Thanks Aprille.
BTW... My e-mail address has changed to [log in to unmask] , for some
unknown reason they couldn't use our old address.  Something about it being
to many characters, yet it's worked for a year.  Well, I'm just happy to be
back online.
Thanks to everyone who e-mailed advice about my fuzzies and the room crisis.
Teresa & the Fur-tasic Five
Sequoia, Enoch, Callisto, Nemesis, & Gizmo
and our Fur Angel Loki
[Posted in FML issue 2421]