Hi, everyone, I've been on the list for a couple days and I think it's the
greatest.  I haven't gotten my first ferret yet, because I want to make
sure I'm ready and informed enough to give my new fuzzie the best home
possible.  (And reading all the ferret info websites takes a while!)
My questions for you established ferret owners:
1. Is there a ferret appreciation club in Austin, Texas?  The closest one
   I can find is in San Antonio, which is a few hours away.
2. Obtaining a fuzzie: pet store or shelter?  I've only heard of one
   shelter in the Austin area, and because my car doesn't have AC, I
   couldn't transport a fert too far.
3. Is it really okay to just have one ferret?  I'm around a lot, and I'll
   be able to entertain it and play with it and be attentive and such.
   There's really not a way I could afford to get two, but if I got one
   and he was unhappy, I wouldn't want to do that.
And finally...
4. Is it normal for the dream of ferret ownership to be incredibly
   consuming?  For months, I've been planning for my first ferret.
   (Everyone here seems remarkably dedicated to their ferts, which makes
   me feel a lot more normal about this long-running obsession of mine.)
Dooks to all,
(no fuzzies...*yet*)
[Posted in FML issue 2447]