I went to the pet store about a year and a half ago.  I just wanted to play
with the babies.  I do this with ferrets and humans, every once and again I
just want to play with babies.  Then I'm thankful for what I have.  So
there I was at the pet store sitting on the floor next to the ferret 'area'
playing with one kit after another.  And I saw the most amazing ferret.  It
was a boy.  So far I had only had experience with Minerva, my (at the time)
one and a half year old girl.
This guy was so different than Minerva.  He had a big fat head and big
paws.  I have to admit I am a sucker for that.  Come to think of it he
kinda had a big butt too.  And he was a silver.  Minerva is a slip of a
sable girl so it was a novel change.  So I decided that Minerva needed some
one to play with and this boy should be it.  What is it about pet stores??
So I brought my daughter and my boyfriend to play with this guy and the
others to see if they could accept another one.  They didn't care, thought
they were all cute and as long as I was buying, weren't too discriminating.
So then we brought Minerva to help choose between three, even though I was
planning on buying the silver guy.  Unfortunately right off we could tell
the silver wasn't in the running.  He kept pouncing on Minerva.  Much too
dominant.  Minerva got so scared she was bottle brushed and threw up.
One of the other ferrets was so disinterested in all of it, that it played
alone in the corners.  It looked a little stupid/dull so was put it back
right away.  That left the one that I really didn't find too interesting.
It was one that we brought in to keep my daughter occupied since it wasn't
biting.  This ferret cinched it when it went over and licked poor
traumatized Minerva with the longest tongue I have ever seen on a ferret.
She instantly relaxed.  They both started chasing each other and Minerva
was dooking.  So that was how we acquired' Frumpstiggle.  Minerva picked
her out.
Minerva is now 3 years old and Frumpstiggle is a year and a half.  I won't
take in any more than two because I don't feel that I could give the
personal attention to any more than that.  Besides cleaning up the poop
next to the litterbox waiting twice a day for me would be pretty ugly with
any more than two.  Eventually though, one of them will pass on to the
Rainbow Bridge (hopefully not for another ten or so years).  When I get a
house I may buy a dog and in either one of those situations I'd like to let
them choose.  But with ECE and other such problems is bringing a pet to
meet another really safe?  What kind of procautions can you take in that
Also aside from the behavioral signs that I have learned from my ferrets
what are some behavioral signs to look for when two animals meet?  For
example Minerva will lay flat to show Frumpstiggle that she isn't a threat
and really would be fun to play with.  What signs do you look for in
purchasing a dog to tell if the dog and the ferret will get along?  Like I
said before, my two are honestly stupid in regards to dogs.  They don't see
them as anything but a new toy - and I don't think they read the warning
signs too well.  Aside from raised hair, hissing or barking what are other
unfriendly gestures ferret or dog?
Well I guess that's enough for one post.
Beth, Minerva & Frumpstiggle the marsh wiggle
in Denver, Colorado
[Posted in FML issue 2447]