Hello FMLer's!
As an update, Carla wrote:
>here are some common items you might consider for sending for this
>disaster response: ...
>* the order must be placed by October 3, 1998
>* the order *must* go to Frisky Ferret Info and Rescue, Tricia & Joe
>   Conley, 822 College Street, Shreveport, Lousiania, 71104
>* you must ask for Shanna Brotherton when you place your order and ask
>  for = the 10% discount
>* Shipping is extra.
If anyone from CA wants to help with the items Carla listed in the above
post for the Hurricane fluffs, call Jeffers at 1-800-641-2836 for faster
shipping.  I called their original number, and ended up being routed to the
above number, so I thought I might save some CA folks a little time!
Unfortunately, I didn't check on the 10% discount at this number, but I
would think something could be worked out!
Take Care!
Tasslehoff, Jasla, Silk, and Sprite:  Boy, we're sure gwad we don't havta
worry bout huwricanes  Mom!  Wait a minute, whaattsss, daaattttt
shaaaakkkiingg!!!! :::::-----)))))
[Posted in FML issue 2447]