My name is Pipsqueak and I am a little Albino girl from the Pietinkieville
I wants to lets that little dodger kid, I finks that is his name, know that
I rely simpathize with his recnt hineeeeee problem.
Right afters he haded posted about his hineeeeee problem, my mommy noticced
I had somthing rong on my little butthole.  She turnded me upside down and
showded my daddy, (how imbarising) they both agreed that I mights have a
butthole pinkle cause ther was a liddle black spot down thererer!  At first
mommy putted some Vasiline on it and it maded it feels better, but just to
be on the safeted side, she took me to my peditrition Dr. Ruth.
Dr. Ruth turnded me upside down toooo!  I couldnt understant why my little
butt was always bein putted up in the air!!!!  Anyways she tolded my mommy
that it was probably somekind of a cent glandd that was a liddle infected,
and boy did she pop that liddle black pinkle on my butthole.  Just thinks,
I mighted have hadded acme on my little butt!!!!!
She tolded mommy to wash my liddle butt with soap and watter, and to use
some of da baby butt wipes too on my butt.
Boy am I glads thats all it wass.  I was realy scared and so was mommy and
daddy and the rest of the gang, all except for Ralphie, all he wants to
keeps doing is hiding my little tenisshoes froms me when I need to putts
them on.
So Dodger and all da rest of the fuzzbutts, keep a close eye on your
hineeee/butthole areas, if this continues, we coulded all end up in da
Guines Boook of World Recorrds!
Better goes for now, time to check da rest of our butts for pinkles!
Pipsqueak - (Hey mom, do they make somofda butthole acme padds?)
[Posted in FML issue 2446]