Well, my husband and I finally broke down yesterday and got ourselves a
furry little baby.  We hadn't planned to.  We were doing all the research,
looking into private breeders, even considering shelters.  But then we were
walking around the mall and saw all the puppies and kittens at the pet
store and knew we needed a baby that day.  So we packed into the car, drove
to the nearest pet store we knew that had ferrets and wouldn't you know
they had just gotten a shipment in?  Despite everything I've heard about
private breeders being best, I'm now the proud mommy of a beautiful sweet
little Marshall Farms sable.  Now comes the hard part the guy at the pet
store said she's a she but I'm afraid she might be a he.  How can I tell
when she's so young?  I want to make sure I have to right sex so I don't
give her/him the wrong name.  For now she's Gabby cause she sure loves to
make noises at us!  Well, I'm off to stare at my little beauty some more,
just can't believe she's really here!
ICQ# 16159292
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[Posted in FML issue 2445]