Hello everyone-
I'm new to the list (4 days) so I thought that I'd send an intro.  My name
is Michelle and I'm owned by two fuzzies.
My 2 ferrets, Trace (16 month old silver mitt fem) and Muddler (11 mo.  old
DEW male) have both been offered Cheweasels.  Trace wasn't interested, but
Muddler was in love.  Muddler already had shown BIG chewing tendencies as
a kit, and I think thats why he liked the Cheweasels so much.  That may
explain why other little ferrets that like them are shoe-chewers.  My
reccomendation is to hide the shoes when you aren't wearing them, and apply
Bitter Apple to them when you are.
[Posted in FML issue 2445]