Well Gee Hi Ya <sniffle dook> FML <sniffle> ;o(
So today is da day huh, we enjoy our last FML for a little while, and we
are actually gonna miss our daily read!  We shall keep all of the furrits
and their folks in our prayers during our absence, as it is always our
desire that ALL on this list be blessed with peace, joy and happiness.
We're pretty excited about all the new opportunities on our own horizon
really, to spite not particularly liking the moving part of it all!  (BTW
not sure if yer reading this Sheena, BUT if ya are we'll be talking with
ya real soon about expanding our little family unit too!  Now that really
is exciting eh!:o)
Just before we go, thought we'd clarify this, to assist understanding...
> From:    Deba Brezden <[log in to unmask]>
> Subject: Accchhhh!! Movin!!  & Outrageous Favors ;o)
>>From:    zauberin <[log in to unmask]>
>>Subject: Re: Ferret speak
>>I have a favor to ask, please. And please believe that this is not
>>directed as a flame/put down/or any of the other cheerful things we
>>sometimes see, just as a request. In the future, when posting about
>>ferret illnesses, no matter how small or serious, can you PLEASE not
>>do it in "ferret/baby writing"?
We had answered this post:
>We find this "request" is therefore a "favor" we could never grant,
>and we'd urge anyone else to also refrain, and indeed,in speaking from
>free democratic society, I dount anyone really has a right to ask it.
And to which BIG commented:
>[Moderator's note: I don't understand this post. Julie can indeed ask
>that we refrain from "ferretspeak" -- your "free democratic society"
>analogy supports that. Likewise, you can choose to continue using
>ferretspeak if you wish. Julie is making her views on the subject
>known, just as other people have done, and since her views are related
>to ferrets or the FML, they are welcome on this list -- as are yours.
We could definetly bat back and forth here, the "her right" "my right"
argumenative loop, however, I do believe there is a difference involved
within this instance.  In the first place, Julie is NOT as you state here
simply "making her views known", that could be done through some simple
statement of position, i.e. I dislike "ferretspeak" in "medical" posts
and this is why.  Even Julie herself does not say in her post, that she's
stating an opinion, rather she states she's making a "request" & "asking a
favor" that folks do not use ferretspeak in that manner.  And therein, in
MOHO lies the difficulty, because in reality, her "request" is for me to
"give up entirely" my own rights, not only to freedom of expression, but
also to any personal enjoyment that I may in fact derive from those same
posts she wishes to remove.  Yes I believe Julie has all of the same
rights, both in expression and in the things she derives pleasure from, BUT
I do not believe, either of us has a right to "eliminate", "censor" or in
any other way to "manipulate" to conform to our own likings ONLY, those
forms of expression, and sources of enjoyment, of any other soul.
While I do respect Julie's right to like and dislike what she will, as I
close my eyes and imagine, a different FML, one now lacking in faucets I
enjoy, I somehow can not help but feel that the situation, would, truly, be
a sad one for us.  And I would be compelled to wonder myself, really, "Was
it "right" and "just" that an individual should take away something from
me, or anyone, which had been so enjoyed, simply to suit that one?" My
point regards "democratic" society is, that when "one" individual has the
"right" to "dictate" to others, both what they "read"(see) and what they
"write"(speak), and even direct the "manner" in which they're done, it is
hardly democratic, but rather we find it resembles a dictatorship.
So simply put, we don't think anyone has a 'right' to ask others to give up
their "basic" rights in order that they can so exercise they're own rights
exclusively.  Everyone does have a right to give opinions, but we don't
think anyone has a right to "act upon" their opinions at the cost of others
rights to have contrary ones all together.
We happen to like the folks who choose to express a "lighter hearted"
approach to the disheartening situation of facing illness with our dear
furrits, and indeed, we think they often provide blessing to others such as
ourselves, and provide the heart with encouragement during struggles.  This
is why we are of the opinion, that we do not wish to be denied that
blessing, and we truly don't believe Julie has a right to attempt to do so,
by discouraging the providers of it, or by eliminating it's venue.
Ferris "compromise isn't the same as when one person wins is it mom?"
and his voice for free expression mom Deba B
[Moderator's note: My point was that Julie was making a REQUEST not a
DEMAND... very different things in my opinion.  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 2444]