I haven't posted in a while because I have been going through a crisis
with Moogie.  Ever since I got Tank, Pandora, and Flower and had normal
healthy ferrets to compare Moogie to, I've known that he wasn't 'right',
health-wise; and then about two and a half weeks ago his weight (which,
some of you may know, has been a constant struggle since I got him about
three months back) started to plummet.  Finally, I got a diagnosis today
from a vet, and I could kick myself for not recognizing it sooner:
insulinoma.  After I got back from the vet, I sat down and read the Medical
FAQ from Ferret Central, and it was immediately obvious in hindsight.
Though he's only a year and a half old, his condition would seem to be
quite advanced, from the symptoms.
Now, I don't know what to do.  I've had terrible experience with pancreatic
conditions in my human family-- my mother and my brother; my brother had
pancreatic surgery this year, and seems to be doing fine since, but my
mother had pancreatic cancer and had surgery for it, and though she lived
for seven(!) more years, she was in constant pain and had no quality of
life whatsoever after the surgery, and it eventually metasticized, as well.
I know she suffered greatly.  I don't want my baby to go through that.
My vet never mentioned putting him on Prednisone or Dis-whatever that word
was; she wants to do an ultrasound and surgery.  I don't have the money for
that, but I've talked with our local Humane Society and they have a fund
for medical care here that they might make me a loan out of to do the
surgery after October 1.  His condition has deteriorated so rapidly over
the last couple of weeks that I am not sure he will last until next week--
he's a little skeleton, in spite of constant feedings, and it's breaking my
heart just to hold him and feel his bones.  He's got no energy, his hind
end wobbles, he paws at his mouth and stares into space, and he trembles a
lot.  He lies very still in my arms and licks me.  Sometimes he still tries
to play, but gives out after a couple of minutes.  He reminds me so much of
my mother when she was dying, that I can't seem to be objective.
I'd appreciate opinions and advice, especially from others who've had
insulinoma ferrets.  I feel that he's dying and I don't want him to suffer;
I want to help him if I can, in any way I can.  Should I try to go for the
surgery, or does he sound too far gone?  Should I try to find a vet who'd
just try to get him under control with medication, and let him enjoy
whatever life he has left-- and what kind of quality of life would that be?
The FAQ says the average life of a ferret after surgery for insulinoma is
464 days, if I remember right-- are they typically good days?  Or do they
suffer any painful, continual aftereffects from the surgery (as my mother
did)?  I have to make a decision very very soon.
Any help would be appreciated.
Vickie and Moogie, Tank, Pandora, and Flower
I forgot to say, if you want to send me a message regarding Moogie &
insulinoma over the weekend, please send it to my home e-mail address:
[log in to unmask]
That way I won't have to wait until I go back to work on Monday to get the
Thanks, Vickie
[Posted in FML issue 2443]