My grandson has found a game the ferrets like,other than pull the blankie.
He put Jasmine in his little shopping cart yesterday and she sat still and
rode all around in that thing.When he stopped,she looked at me like make
him go again.She'll stay put until it stops or treats come out.It's so
funny to watch those two tooling around the house,with my grandson pointing
out the sights along the way,and Jasmine looking everywhere he points.Maybe
she's hoping he'll point out the treat cupboard.He's very popular with the
ferrets,especially if he's eating.They know he can be talked out of some
You're right MC,my boo-boo.What I meant to say and didn't was that most
North American venomous snakes have triangular heads.I'm not getting close
enough to see the eyes.That's what happens when your brain works faster
than your typer.I still say call the expert,that's what I'd do.We usually
get centipedes in our house,and the cats let us know before the ferrets do.
   Sandy & 3 Fuzzles
[Posted in FML issue 2442]