Hi there!
Yesterday I got a message from FML and FAIML friend Amy Dempsey in St.
Croix, saying that she might not be heard of for quite some as she was
going underground with her nine fuzzies (and lots of good food) to wait
out Hurricane Georges.  She said she could be offline for months,
depending on the damage, though she should be okay.
Tonight I'd just finished reading the front page news about Hurricane
Georges' havoc, while worrying about Amy and her nine fur lizards in
St. Croix when... lo and behold, there on my computer screen appeared
a message from her!
She has weathered Hurricane Georges, though her home (undamaged) suffered a
direct hit including 130 miles winds and an eerie hour and a half wait
through the eye of the hurricane!  Her nine fuzzies were very hyper after
the hurricane and fuzzy BJ made two holes in two gallery screens (what are
those?) to Georges one... so that, as Amy wrote, "Hurriane BJ was worse
than Georges"!
She's on a generator and limited phone time but should be back up to speed
by late last week.
I'm breathing a big sigh of relief for Amy and the kids, and so glad she
holed up and took such good care.  Of course, many others weren't so
fortunate and need lots of help, wishes, hopes, and prayers....
Lynn Mc. and the Sweet Six
[Posted in FML issue 2442]