Sorry so many of you find the ferret speak annoying, I on the other hand
find it to be completely hilarious.  And hope that I see more from the
writer.  Having been pretty depressed lately since we lost Grunten, (he
was the ferret with the unusual bruising that no one quite knew what was
causing it.  And the necropsy results aren't back yet so we still aren't
sure.) the article actually had me laughing out loud.  I even called my
husband in, who never reads these, and he loved it as well.
True it was more difficult to read, and took longer but I think that it
was worth it, just because it made feel good for awhile.  I could really
picture that poor little guy, and his bewilderment over his "heinee"
Just my opinion, Daphne
[Posted in FML issue 2441]