Hi all!  I am new to this discussion list and I have a question for you
guys.  I have a fuzzie (as you call them) named Cooder (male) who is 2 1/2
years old and I have been taking him to the vet quite often due to some
certain symptoms.  My veternarian said that his glucose levels are normal,
but on the low side.  In combination with a bit of lethargy and spacey
behavior she said he may have the early, early signs of insulonoma, but
it's too early to diagnose it as such.  I have been considering getting
another ferret recently and I brought this up with her.  The ferret I am
currently looking at is a 9 week old male sable from Marshall Farms.  My
vet said that I need to quarantine the new kit for 60 days before any
contact with my old ferret to make sure the new kit gets rid of ECE if it
happens to have it.  She believes I will put my ferret in danger (because
of his potential illness) if I expose him to the virus.  My question
(finally!) is: does this sound reasonable to you guys?  I heard it is very
rare for a Marshall Farms kit to have ECE.  It is going to be very
difficult for me to keep them completely away from each other and washing
my hands and showering between contact with the two will almost be
impossible!!  I have a cage to separate him from Cooder and I'm thinking of
getting the little bugger today.  I already have a name...DEXTER!!  He's
adorable, but he bites like a fiend!  Cooder would teach him a lesson, but
all he knows how to do is bite human feet.  Yup, he's an ankle biter.  If
anyone has any input on this subject you can post to the list or e-mail me
at [log in to unmask]  Thanks!  -Lauren
Lauren Yeany
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"My Brain Hurts!" - Monty Python's Gumby Man
[Posted in FML issue 2420]