Anne wrote:
>A little off topic- Do snakes have a sense of smell?  Are they afraid of
>ferrets?  One of my neighbors has a recurring problem with a snake
>laying on his doorstep.  If we sprinkled some dried ferret feces around
>would that possibly ward off the snake?
Hi Anne,
Read your post to the FML regarding snakes.  I found quite by accident that
snakes hate cedar.  So prior to our move to the country, we erected a cedar
picket fence around the deck to keep the Chihuahuas in and the unwanted
wildlife away from the house.  Considering we live in snake country
(southeastern Texas) we haven't seen a snake in the dog area yet.
The pet stores that sell snakes will usually tell a prospective purchaser
that snakes cannot tolerate cedar/cedar shavings because of the cedar oil
being toxic to their systems.  So I recommend either placing some cedar
trim pieces around the area the snake visits or using cedar shavings placed
around the area the snake frequents.
Good luck,
Cecilia & the fur-kids
Dayton, TX, USA
[Posted in FML issue 2440]